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Leading from the C-Suite: Transforming Admin Culture with CC Quinteros, Senior EA to the CEO of PayPal

Written by Sunny Nunan, CEO & Founder, Admin Awards | May 24, 2024 2:56:43 PM

I'm excited about this interview with CC Quinteros in this Beacon Making of a Winner Interview.

Here's why.

For years, I've seen firsthand how EAs to CEOs can revolutionize an organization's internal Admin culture. An EA who understands their journey to the top and views their role as dual - supporting the CEO and advocating for their administrative peers - can accomplish extraordinary things. From creating a sense of belonging through Admin Resource Groups, to advocating for professional development, to ensuring opportunities for recognition (my personal fave), EAs to CEOs become catalysts for a vibrant, supportive, and thriving work environment for their fellow Admins.

However, I've also seen the flip side. When EAs to CEOs don't embrace their advocacy role in support of their Administrative colleagues and are apathetic or, worse, actively resist the positive changes that others are striving to implement. Peers hesitate to move programs forward, fearing they might be seen as overstepping boundaries or challenging the status quo, and opt to 'keep the peace' at the expense of progress.

The end result? A stifled, discouraged Admin community that lags behind the progressive standards many organizations achieve today. And let's face it, without a sense of belonging, opportunities for development, and proper recognition, retention and productivity are at serious risk.

Watch the interview HERE with CC Quinteros, EA to the CEO of PayPal and Winner of the Colleen Barrett Award for Administrative Excellence in Silicon Valley and learn:

- CC's journey to the top - from receptionist to EA to the CEO of PayPal
- Why she believes that advocacy in the Admin Profession is more crucial than ever today and why it has to start inside
- Insights into how EA's in the C-Suite can drive meaningful change
- What advice she has for those not in the C-suite who want to make a difference

To learn more about the Admin Awards' highest honor, the Colleen Barrett Award for Administrative Excellence visit the Admin Awards.