Beacon Blog

Trends in Executive Support - Results of the 2024 Executive Support Capacity Survey

Written by Sunny Nunan, CEO & Founder, Admin Awards | Sep 2, 2024 9:40:25 PM

How many executives can one Administrative Professional really support effectively? We asked, and the results are in.

We’re excited to share the results of our first Executive Support Capacity Survey of the Administrative Profession that delves deep into the realities of Administrative Professionals supporting multiple executives across various business sizes. Whether you're in a small business or a large enterprise, this report offers insights that are likely to surprise you - and help your organization optimize Administrative resources that drive better results across the board.

Why did we conduct this survey?
We know how critical the role of an Administrative Professional is, yet there’s been little data on the optimal workload. So, we took it upon ourselves to survey hundreds of Admins across the country to find out just how many executives they're supporting and how many they should be.

What I found fascinating in these results is that it reveals the focus for Administrative Professionals isn’t about what they want to reduce; it’s about cultivating an environment that enables them to contribute more - more value, more service, and greater impact. Their aspirations extend beyond individual preferences, reflecting a deep desire to enhance their roles and drive meaningful change within their organizations.

In this Report you'll learn ↓ 

  • Current Executive to Administrative support ratio trends by company size
  • Discover the average number of executives being supported, and what Admins believe is manageable
  • What essential factors should be understood when assessing Administrative capacity
  • Insights from Administrative Professionals enriched with real-world examples, to guide your decision-making with confidence
  • This report is packed with data-driven insights that can help your organization produce better outcomes for everyone. 

    Ready to dive in? Click here to download the report.